Predictive analytics is the analysis of both current and historical facts and then use this information to make predictions about future events. There are 3 main categories within the science of predictive analytics:
This is the examination of a specific behavior and an estimate as to how likely a customer is to follow this specific behavior within certain situations
The idea of classifying customers (or prospects) into groups is the basis of establishing a descriptive model. Once the groups are established, relationships between customers, products and behaviors can be observered and lead to developing important conclusions about a business in either its current or predictive state.
The art of taking exisiting data and forecasting one or several outcomes of making a decision is decision modeling. Today management's use of terms like minimum-maximum, optimazation, decison logic, decison trees fall within the realm of decison modeling. It is the taking of the many varibles that go into a business decision and then forecasting the outcomes that these variables may influence.
MJSchukas & Associates has over 25 years of predictive analytic experience. This experience brings to focus opportunites for business development by using:
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